Ambassadorial forum on 25 years of U.S.-Georgian Diplomatic Relations

Donor Duration Budget Status
US Embassy in Georgia 2017 - 2017 $72,120 Completed

The Ambassadorial Forum Georgia-US Strategic Partnership – 25 Year Journey “…in pursuit of happiness” “A Shared Past, A Shared Future was held on April 29, 2017 and was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of US-Georgia diplomatic relations.

Among the distinguished forum speakers were H.E. Ian C. Kelly U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, H.E. Richard Miles, H.E. William Courtney, Kenneth S. Yalowitz- former U.S. Ambassadors to Georgia, President Giorgi Margvelashvili and Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili. The forum was attended by representatives of Georgian government, parliament and international organizations.

All activities during the project