May 7, 2020 Tourism Relief Packages

Tourism Relief Packages

Economic Policy Research Center. continues to review measures taken by various countries to address the economic and social problems caused by COVID-19. “Tourism Stimulation” – The publication provided by EPRC includes only those incentive projects that countries have conducted directly in response to the challenges in the field of tourism in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in most countries, there are general, business incentive programs, new and old social projects that can be used by tourism professionals and which are not covered by this publication.


The document reviews examples from Spain, Japan, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, France, Estonia, and Romania. The publication is funded by the Black Sea Trust – German Marshall Fund of the United States. Opinions expressed in the publication may not reflect the position of the Black Sea Trust or its partners.


The full document can be found here.