February 11, 2014 On Think Tanks Exchange Initiative

On Think Tanks Exchange Initiative

EPRC’s Program Manager – Irina Guruli has been selected as one of the ten candidates to participate in the fairly new initiative organized by Open Society Foundations (OSF) Think Tank Fund (TTF)– On Think Tank Exchange. The initiative aims to encourage and support exchanges between think tanks all around the world for the purpose of developing new relationships, facilitating collaboration in research projects, institutional development, and policy influencing effort. The exchange involves a series of face to face events and webinars over the course of two years. Ultimately the initiative results in a number of collaborative joint research projects.

Apart from EPRC, representatives of the following organizations will be among the participants: Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis – Hungary, Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth – Argentina, Center for Political and Legal Reforms – Ukraine, Article 33 – Indonesia, Grupo FARO – Ecuador, Institute of Peruvian Studies – Peru, Institute for Research and Empowerment – Indonesia, Center for European and North Atlantic Affairs – Slovakia, Brazilian Center for International Relations – Brazil.
As a part of the initiative the very first face to face meeting will take place in Lima, Peru – March 25-28, 2014.