July 29, 2024 1920 – On January 10, 1920, the Entente powers consisting of France, Italy and Britain recognized Georgia’s de facto independence

1920 – On January 10, 1920, the Entente powers consisting of France, Italy and Britain recognized Georgia’s de facto independence

Georgia’s European Choice

On January 14, 1920 an extraordinary session of the Constituent Assembly (Parliament) was convened in Tbilisi, which was also attended by the diplomatic corps. The Chairman of the Government (Head of State), Noe Zhordania, opened the session with a speech.

Excerpts from the speech of the Head of State, Noe Zhordania, on January 10, 1920


Let me congratulate you and the Georgian people on joining the community of nations with an unfurled banner and on assuming an equal place among the peoples of Europe. From now on, the Georgian nation is accepted by the great nations as an equal among equals.

Our present lives, as well as our path to the future, are now closely intertwined with the West without mediation, and no power can break this union….

Such is the new Georgia, gentlemen. And it has presented itself to Europe and awaited its verdict. We presented ourselves not for alms but to claim our rights [applause]. And they asked us: What are you bringing here? And we answered: We bring two thousand years of culture, a land       rich in beauty and nature; we bring a      functioning democratic order, a creative democracy, and we demand the rightful place we deserve in this antechamber of Asia…

Here is Great Britain – the motherland of culture, great industry, and free trade.

Here is France – the birthplace of the Great Revolution and the first disciple of human rights.

Here is the United States – the motherland of glorious democracy and political ingenuity.

Here is magnificent Italy – this living bridge between the civilizations ancient and new, with its sun so hot and its people so lively, just like our sun and people. And all these nations took our extended hand as friends, accepting their role in the baptism of our newborn nation.

Citizens! We can be proud. A rare thing has happened: all of Europe, irrespective of party and class, has said to us in one voice: Blessed be your birth, welcome! And we shall remain faithful to this unanimous blessing through our deeds and become truly European….

You know that Soviet Russia offered us a military alliance. We have categorically refused, as you have read in our response.

What would such an alliance signify? It would mean us breaking the link with Europe, as they have broken, and turning towards the East, where they now look for their new allies.

The West or the East – this is the question that is put to us, and on this question, we cannot hesitate. We have always chosen and will continue to choose the West, and if the Bolsheviks cling to the East, it is only because the West refused them an alliance and refused to recognize them.

You can see now that the paths of Georgia and Russia have diverged in this as well. Our path leads us to Europe, while Russia is moving towards Asia.

Long live free Georgia and its alliance with Europe! “